Retribution Paladin PreNaxx / Naxx


Retribution paladins don't really shine up until ToC, but can do an okay damage. In this content it will be hard to beat other classes like mages, warlocks, rogues, dks etc, but every raid needs retribution paladins for the utility and supports! So don't be sad, it is viable and it is needed 1-2 for 25man raids and 1 for 10man raids.

About the speccing and builds, we don't really change anything that we have already discussed on the Retribution Guide part except the gears of course. 

We put the emphasis on the gearing in this content and the spell priorities which of course change compared to ICC content.

1. Pre-Naxx dungeon BIS

Best obtainable items before entering Naxxramas:

1. Head - Spiked Titansteel Helm  Blacksmithing craft, Gives a lot of strength, it is even BIS in NAXX BIS gear!

2. Neck - Titanium Impact Choker  Jewelcrafting neck.

3. Shoulders - Trollwoven Spaulders Leatherworking crafted item, it is an epic item and gives a lot of expertise, that's why it is in this list even it is leather.

4. Cloak - Cloak of Bloodied Waters BOE item, drops in Gundrak (can be purchased on AH, usually even pretty cheap)

5. Chest - Custodian's Chestpiece Azjol-Nerub Heroic, 1st boss Krik'thir te Gatewatcher

6. Bracer - Bands of the Stoneforge Halls of Stone Heroic, last boss Sjonnir The Ironshaper

7. Gloves - Gauntlets of the Dragon Wrath The Occulus Heroic, last boss Eregos

8. Belt - Verdungo's Barbarian Cord Heroism vendor, 40 Emblem of Heroism

9. Legs - Staggering Legplates Utgarde Keep Heroic, last boss Ingvar the Plunderer

10. Boots - Death-Inured Sabatons Ebon Blade exalted reputation

11. Ring 1 - Hemorraging Circle Gundrak Heroic, last boss Gal'darah

12. Ring 2 Stained-Glass Shard Ring BOE item, drops in Azjol-Nerub and Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom (can be purchased on AH, usually even pretty cheap)

13. Trinket 1 - Darkmoon Card : Greatness Inscription crafted item, it is BIS until ToC content!

14. Trinket 2 - Mirror of Truth Heroism vendor, 40 Emblem of Heroism

15. Libram - Libram of Furious Blows Borean Tundra quest reward:
Alliance : Get Me Outa Here!
Horde : Return My Remains

16. Weapon - Titansteel Destroyer Blacksmithing crafted item.

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